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High Court Exposes Dapo Abiodun As A Liar And A Fraud! By Bimbo Balogun

December 20, 2021

However, expecting Dapo Abiodun, a product of a fraudulent electoral process, not to perpetuate another fraud is like expecting snow in the Sahara desert. Everything about Ogun State governor is questionable.

Yoruba people have a saying which literally means a child's delinquency which if not curbed or corrected at home will eventually be his albatross when he goes out. Dapo Abiodun, whose fraudulent emergence as the "candidate" of APC in the 2019 gubernatorial election has now been exposed not just as a fraud, but also a Liar. Having emerged the "flag bearer" of Ogun  APC, through a grand fraud that was supervised by Adams Oshiomhole, the former National Chairman of the party who was unceremoniously removed from office, Abiodun must have thought that the only way a candidate could emerge was through fraudulent process. Otherwise, how could a man who was sent to conduct the primary election for governorship locked himself up in a hotel only to come out hours later with some cooked up results. 

The National Caretaker Committee of APC had named the Ogun State Governor, Dapo Abiodun, as the Chairman of election Committee in Anambra State for the 2021 gubernatorial election. While party members were waiting at various locations to cast their votes, Abiodun refused to attend to them till 7pm. He later appeared in the conference room of a hotel where he announced to the world that the election had taken place and a winner emerged. He even gave an outlandish figure of over 200,000 votes that Andy Uba, "the winner", purportedly scored. In the election proper, Uba couldn't even score up to 100,000 votes while coming a distant third behind the winner, Prof. Charles Soludo of APGA whose votes were not even up to 200,000!


Despite protests in many parts of the State that such a daylight robbery should not stand, Abiodun stuck to his gun, went ahead and submitted the name of Andy Uba as the winner. Just as Oshiomhole wrote his name as the Ogun APC gubernatorial flag bearer in the 2019 without participating in the primary election which was duly conducted through direct primary, Abiodun went ahead and repeated the same process in Anambra State.

The difference between what happened in Ogun State and that of Anambra is that an aspirant went to court to seek redress. The court has now made a pronouncement that indeed there was no election in Anambra for the APC primary. The court has exposed the man who claimed to have conducted the election, Dapo Abiodun, as a liar. In fact, the Court has asked APC to refund the 22 Million naira paid for nomination form by the aspirant, George Moghalu.

In a sane clime, Dapo Abiodun, would have apologised to Ndi Abambra and resigned as Governor of Ogun State by now. 

However, expecting Dapo Abiodun, a product of a fraudulent electoral process, not to perpetuate another fraud is like expecting snow in the Sahara desert. Everything about Ogun State governor is questionable. His credentials that were submitted to INEC in 2015 and 2019 have become indefendible even by brilliant lawyers. When asked by Seun Okinbaloye of Channels Television about whether or not he graduated from Obafemi Awolowo University, formerly University of Ife, having filled it in his INEC forms, Abiodun told the whole world he never finished from the Institution. When probed further why he filled in his INEC form he did, he shamelessly said the matter was subjudised. 

As Thomas Jeffery said, "He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it the second time.", lying has now become the trademark of our Governor. In fact, the High Court has told us in plain language that we have a liar and cheat as governor in Ogun State.